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Seriously Laughing

I am so pleased and honored to have repeat rights holders for audiobook projects.  Without a doubt it is appreciated and taken seriously.  Knowing there is trust with the requests moves me to desire to perform to my best.

My radio comrades will be able to relate to this, I’m sure.  Those times when for some unknown reason a laugh comes up.  It happens at the least appropriate times.  It could be an important news update or during a live read of a commercial that is anything but funny.  It just happens.  Laughing that sounds completely out-of-place.  Live radio makes it impossible to ignore.

So, at least in the recording booth no one knows.  Just me.  And now you.  Laughing happens.

There I was working on a project that was inspirational and informational.  Definitely serious.  I read a line and read it well.  Actually I performed the line and performed it very well.  Then it happened.  I laughed.  Like it was live and I got stage freight.   The laugh grew and got to be silly.  Then I felt silly.  That made me laugh again.

There are times being in the booth can be a bit lonely.  Not this time.  I was glad no one could see me or hear me.  Laughing happens.  It felt good to let go.  Then it was back to business.


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Narrating Documentaries

I was thinking, insert joke here, about how much I enjoyed wildlife documentaries a child. Hearing the stories of wild animals and survival kept my attention.

Later my attention was captured by historical narration. To see and hear things I didn’t pay attention to in school fascinated me. Ironic isn’t it.

Realization comes now that I have always wanted to do this type of work. To be the narrator of something like these productions would be a wonderful thing to do. Having the position of being the one you hear and the one that shares the information others are wanting to learn about would be about as great as anything could be.

At this point in my activities it is audiobook narrating and producing that is keeping me in the story telling mode. It’s great. I learn and also explore through the writing of others. I’ll be ready when the right group needs the right narrator for a documentary with the right purpose.


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Friends in other places of the same world

There are many times as I sit in my recording area at home when I feel like the entire world in MINE and touching any part of it at any time is a power I have. Then, as I close the door, it is a bit lonely in this sound controlled studio. Just me. Work from home. No engineer. Talking to myself.

Not really alone. There are audiobook people that listen to the things I say. Well, the author really, but it’s me reading and acting out the material. People. All over the world. (hopefully) Then there are the authors and rights holders that let me narrate for them. They are there. There being many places.

As I check messages I see communication from other narrators. That’s great. We are kindred in what we do. We are not in the same place in the world. Well, maybe we are in the same place in that we are in our studio recording to all of those people out there. Not alone at all. It is a busy and friendly world if you look in the correct places.

Thanks to those that I work with and thanks to those that listen. Also, thanks to my fellow narrators for keeping me company.


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How good is the best and is it the best?

How many times have you been told to just do the best you can?  As a kid it’s doubtful we understood this.  As an adult I feat too often in is understood to be competitive.

Being a person that is not very competitive the way I look at the statement about doing your best is simple.  Don’t hold back.  Don’t cut corners.  Don’t settle for good enough and don’t worry how you measure up to others.  There is no bar to reach other than to do the best you can.  It’s your bar.  No one else’s bar matters.

As a narrator I spend time listening to others.  Effort is made to learn from what I hear.  Lessons are taken to improve my skills.  This is important so I can continue moving forward on the road to improvement.

Comparing myself to other is going to happen.  Not for competitive reasons, but for improving purposes.  That is not always easy.

Yes, being the best I can be not the best there is makes for challenge enough.


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The words and what they mean

As I work on narrating (reading) for audiobooks there are times I’m touch deeply by simple phrases.  There are times the craft of a wordsmith amazes me in the wonderful use of language.  Knowledge of subjects unfamiliar to me comes from intelligent writers and the words of there field of expertise.   Wisdom is always wanted.

With the passing of a great wordsmith and the knowledge she had about people along with the wisdom she shared it comes to mind how much more we can do with our words.  What we do should be for the building of something or someone.  Learn from the words you hear and read.  Take the words that do no good and put them in the place they belong.  Put them with other worthless things.

When you give value the return may not be seen for some time to come.  Remember, value grows value and we have it to share in many ways.  You have value and you can plant it where you choose.  Let it spread.



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Be the best what?

It is just going to happen.  Doing any kind of performing means you will be compared to others doing what you do.  You just will.  We do it to ourselves too.  We see or hear the work of someone we admire and want to aspire to that level.  Or, heaven forbid, we see or hear someone and say to ourselves “I’m better that that!”  Well, we can go on and on about how that is not the way to think for many reasons.

For me it is important to be the best.  That THEE best.  The best I can be.

Learning, listening and admiring the work of others with a true appreciation for what I hear helps.  Learning better technical information so my produced performance is the best.  That is the best ME I can be.  Not for ego, but for the performance and the listener.  Oh, and the author of the material.

Strive to be the best you and then do better.


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Is it Work or Is it Play

It’s true I do like being a the microphone.  Either recording commercial or narrating audiobooks or even MCing a live event.  I like it.

So, the question is “is it work or is it play.” 

So, the answer is, well, not so easy.

There are plenty of projects that are in fact a pleasure to tackle.  A story that entertains or a story that makes my eyes water is most certainly entertainment.  Well, maybe it is enlightenment.  I can’t forget this is done as an agreement with another person.  So, it’s a job.  So, does that make it work?  I guess it does. 

Now I have to stop and think about certain people that have the job of working at a sport.  That’s play isn’t it?  That’s work isn’t it?

There was a time when I took the great hobby of photography and made it my profession.  So, there it was.  Play became a job and that turned into work.  It is without a doubt, for me, photography is more play when it is not my job.

I took a few days away from the recording room.  I can’t wait to get back to the stories and projects I have in front of me.  I work hard at it.  I enjoy the job.  It is play.  Yes, all of that.



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Sometimes it’s hard to get going

There are times when a book truly has my attention.  The story is great.  The writing keeps me involved.  Then I get jammed. 

The warm up exercises have been done.  All is up on the screen and ready to go.  The editing software is opened.  Then…nothing comes out right.  Not a word is working.  What language am I speaking?

That’s when I get up.  Step outside.  Breath in the air.  Listen to the song birds.  See the trees move in the lite breeze.

Now, things are flowing.  The story comes out like someone needs to hear it.  I am again the narrator of a great tale.

Funny how a fresh start can change everything.

All authors deserve their stories be told properly.  

Maybe a fresh start will work in other areas of life too.  Not stopping.  Just taking a breath and then moving forward.





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Like ryding a byke

Yes, it is an old saying that fits so very well in many places.  That includes narrating audiobooks.

Here is the challenge.  I get on a bike and it feels great.  Great. but a bit off.  Is the seat at the right height?  Oops!  Hit the curb.  Ha!  Almost bit it.  There it is.  That balance thing that has been with me for most of my life.  Its working now.

OK.  So, when I get on after a while it works.  It could work better.  I will not try anything like a 20 mile ride.

Now, let’s talk narrating audiobooks.  After a few days I am eager to get back at the work.  I hit the curb, stumble a bit, swerve into the road and then realize I need to do some warm-up first.

There a a few vocal things I do to get ready.  Noises I make and phrases I say.  Warm-up before taking the long right into the story to be told. 

Mae mee my mo moo.  Beedabodoboodabada.  Impty dimpty diggety fig.  Eeya doeah dominig.  Eichy Cheichy domiceich.  Ahm pahm Poo.

Continue the story now. Continue the story now. Continue the story now.


Yep!  Just like ryding a byke.  I’m ready now.


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Mid Week Check

Many people think of Wednesday as mid way to the weekend.  Well, that is fine.  However, there are things we can consider in the middle of the week.

Check to see if you are on task with recording projects.

Communicate with authors and rights holders.

Look into forums and discussions that keep you sharp.

Practice something new or something old to keep the skills up to date.

Studies you are doing.  Are you on track?

Keep track of family and friends.  Don’t let time fly too fast.

Enjoy the moment.

Oh, and get ready for the week end.  It IS hump day!


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