Tag Archives: Ducumentary

What cause do you have?

As I go through my daily projects the idea comes to me about needing a cause.  Something that has a real purpose.  We hear it a lot.  Motivated people have found something they believe in with such great passion it just wont leave their minds.  It could be feeding hungry people or developing the perfect rose.  It’s quite of to the individual.

Do you have one or more things that you work on that fall into the cause file?  Large or small.  Save the planet or help the neighbor.  In your work or outside of work.  What is it.

Working with various voice recording projects these thoughts come to me.  What cause does this serve?  How important is this?  Well, the answer is simple.  Ask the author how important is it to have it produced properly.  Sure, that is an immediate and important thing.  It should be fulfilling to do as good as possible on any project taken on.

I still look for a larger cause to take on.  Maybe the project will find me.


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Left Right Middle People

Growing tired of the political talk that appears to have little research and plenty of opinion?  As am I.

The challenge is one of low information individuals.  Not that I know much.  I do try to get information that relates to a topic before discussing it in detail.  Not that I debate.  That is just not me.  There is now way I get my ideas from people that are not interested in people in general.  You know.  Those that don’t care what happens to their fellow man are the ones I mean.

Wouldn’t be fantastic if we could have actual information be given in a non biased way and then real analytically discussion about what ever the issues may be?

Remember to give thought to the purpose of the persons ideas and the goals being pursued.  That should help.  Then decide what your purpose is in regards to the topic.


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What’s Up With Us?

I truly don’t have answers that are easy in regards to the issues of the day here in America.  Clearly something is not right with us.  We the people that live in this society.

There is no way I consider myself qualified to say the situations causing our protests should be just this way or that.  Can’t do it.

When we have so many individuals protesting and so much divide on what is true, correct or accurate it can’t be simple to analyse.

The answer is, however, simple to pinpoint as to where the cause is.  It’s us.  That’s right.  Us.

Think about how quick most are to make judgement.  Possibly the judgement is accurate.  Maybe not.  On all sides.

Take a moment to imagine if you can being a person you don’t agree with.  That person, no matter what the opinion, most likely believes what they are saying.  Can you look over there, where ever there is, and just imagine what it is that makes the belief feel so true to that person.  Are there really only left and right, black and white, up and down?

Yes, we are the problem.  Nothing changes until we change.  It’s us.


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One of the things to consider when searching for a documentary project is the cause.  Is there a cause to shed light on?  Maybe there is information to bring to the forefront so the  public with know more about a particular issue that needs exposure and this may be the avenue to do just that.

Maybe it is simple history or biography that is the draw.  There are plenty of knowledgeable people doing their part to inform and educate the world about their topic.  A  worthy cause can simply be sharing information that enlightens.

Clearly, there is a lot to consider with a documentary project.  There is also the possibility that I don’t need to think about it too much.


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Filed under Narrator, VO, Voice Over

Your level of reaching for stars

While watching an old movie I stopped to think about more youthful days. Days when my head was definitely not competitive, but wanted to strive for doing a good job.

What ever it is we do we really need to set our own standard to reach for. I don’t neglect listening to other narrators of voice actors. Inspiration comes from listening. That does not mean I need to be like someone else or be better than another person or reach a level above that person.

As I work what is needed is a desire, a drive to do as good as I can. Appreciating those that are the best can’t hurt. Appreciating progress made by those working hard to do the best possible for them is also a good thing.

As a talent said many times “keep reaching for the stars.”


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Filed under Narrator, VO, Voice Over


While chatting with a writer I know the topic of a study group that covers techniques to convey mood or emotion.  That made me wonder if a narrator should take classes that writers take.

If I could see what is being done to bring about the mood of a story line from a technique perspective that may help me perform fuller.  Maybe.

If I, as a narrator, am looking at the way a mood or emotion is being brought out will that taint my thoughts as I read?  Maybe I simply need to feel and understand what the author is saying in the work.  Maybe the how it is done does not matter.

As I prepare for audiobook project I do want to feel the message and feel the mood, what ever it may be, to the proper extent intended in the work.  Do I need to know what the method is called or even be able to see a technique any more than one would in viewing a good or great image?  Well, I do appreciate spotting lighting that is having a major effect on a movie or still image!

This topic will continue to be pondered as I tackle my work.


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Narrating Documentaries

I was thinking, insert joke here, about how much I enjoyed wildlife documentaries a child. Hearing the stories of wild animals and survival kept my attention.

Later my attention was captured by historical narration. To see and hear things I didn’t pay attention to in school fascinated me. Ironic isn’t it.

Realization comes now that I have always wanted to do this type of work. To be the narrator of something like these productions would be a wonderful thing to do. Having the position of being the one you hear and the one that shares the information others are wanting to learn about would be about as great as anything could be.

At this point in my activities it is audiobook narrating and producing that is keeping me in the story telling mode. It’s great. I learn and also explore through the writing of others. I’ll be ready when the right group needs the right narrator for a documentary with the right purpose.


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