Monthly Archives: May 2014

The words and what they mean

As I work on narrating (reading) for audiobooks there are times I’m touch deeply by simple phrases.  There are times the craft of a wordsmith amazes me in the wonderful use of language.  Knowledge of subjects unfamiliar to me comes from intelligent writers and the words of there field of expertise.   Wisdom is always wanted.

With the passing of a great wordsmith and the knowledge she had about people along with the wisdom she shared it comes to mind how much more we can do with our words.  What we do should be for the building of something or someone.  Learn from the words you hear and read.  Take the words that do no good and put them in the place they belong.  Put them with other worthless things.

When you give value the return may not be seen for some time to come.  Remember, value grows value and we have it to share in many ways.  You have value and you can plant it where you choose.  Let it spread.



Filed under Narrator, Uncategorized, VO, Voice Over

Be the best what?

It is just going to happen.  Doing any kind of performing means you will be compared to others doing what you do.  You just will.  We do it to ourselves too.  We see or hear the work of someone we admire and want to aspire to that level.  Or, heaven forbid, we see or hear someone and say to ourselves “I’m better that that!”  Well, we can go on and on about how that is not the way to think for many reasons.

For me it is important to be the best.  That THEE best.  The best I can be.

Learning, listening and admiring the work of others with a true appreciation for what I hear helps.  Learning better technical information so my produced performance is the best.  That is the best ME I can be.  Not for ego, but for the performance and the listener.  Oh, and the author of the material.

Strive to be the best you and then do better.


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Is it Work or Is it Play

It’s true I do like being a the microphone.  Either recording commercial or narrating audiobooks or even MCing a live event.  I like it.

So, the question is “is it work or is it play.” 

So, the answer is, well, not so easy.

There are plenty of projects that are in fact a pleasure to tackle.  A story that entertains or a story that makes my eyes water is most certainly entertainment.  Well, maybe it is enlightenment.  I can’t forget this is done as an agreement with another person.  So, it’s a job.  So, does that make it work?  I guess it does. 

Now I have to stop and think about certain people that have the job of working at a sport.  That’s play isn’t it?  That’s work isn’t it?

There was a time when I took the great hobby of photography and made it my profession.  So, there it was.  Play became a job and that turned into work.  It is without a doubt, for me, photography is more play when it is not my job.

I took a few days away from the recording room.  I can’t wait to get back to the stories and projects I have in front of me.  I work hard at it.  I enjoy the job.  It is play.  Yes, all of that.


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